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1911, Perceval Landon provides sketches of the Arcot fort for Tweed


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In 1911, in order to assist Tweed in visualising locations he had never seen, his friend Perceval Landon wrote him a letter, enclosing very rough sketches of the Fort of Arcot, and the scene of the battle with Clive in it.

Landon wrote:
My dear Tweed,
I spent yesterday afternoon groping about at the India Office with Foster and Thomas. There is no drawing or plan of Arcot except a little one, unsealed, of which I send you a rough copy.
Arcot was walled about by a rampart 5 miles in circumference. Inside this wall was a smaller fort. If the walls of the fort was of the same kind as the wall of the town, they were 24 feet at the base and 12 feet broad at the top.
It is especially noted tat the top of the wall was too narrow for the convenient use of guns. So the plaque will have to show the fun being used at the level of the drawbridge.
The plan is like this.
[Then he makes a sketch]
It was made in 1769 which is near enough. Today it is entirely demolished. The walls are cased with thick masonry.
In the Diwani scene, the fringe of the canopy is just golden towels. I am printing and sending you a photograph of a typical Mogul throne. It shows the legs, the steps, and the low carved and perforated balustrade.
Why not take the scene at the treaty in Arcot somehow like this: -
[The sketch of the fort follows]
It was made in 1769 which is near enough. Today it is entirely demolished. The walls are cased with thick masonry.

In the Diwani scene, the fringe of the canopy is just golden towels. I am printing and sending you a photograph of a typical Mogul throne. It shows the legs, the steps, and the low carved and perforated balustrade.
Why not take the scene at the treaty in Arcot somehow like this.
[This is followed by a very jumbled sketch of the battle scene, with Clive in it.]
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Landon, Perceval
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
2 February 1911
is referred to by | est référencé par
Letter Perceval Landon to Tweed, 2 February 1911, Tweed Archive, Reading Museum. Shelfmark 1998.3. 1343