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2020, Creation of memorial commissions in Martinique towns


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In the wake of the destruction of the Schœlcher statues and the death of George Floyd, which led to a worldwide wave of protests against monuments linked to the history of slavery, some municipalities set up memorial commissions, tasked with shedding light on the history of Martinique and proposing personalities who had fought against slavery to be honored. In Fort-de-France, the Memory and Transmission Commission was set up on June 17, 2020, with the mission of “initiating a reflection and action plan on a certain number of statues, symbols and names in the public space that refer to the colonial and slave-owning period, and proposing new references that resemble us and bring us together”. A commission was also set up in La Trinité by a vote of the town council on June 29, to consider changing certain street names.
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Ville de Fort-de-France

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Items with "resulted in | a eu pour résultat: 2020, Mise en place de commissions mémorielles dans des villes de Martinique"
2020, Victor Schœlcher statue is destroyed in Fort-de-France