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2013, The statue of Victor Schœlcher is damaged


has description | a une description
On the night of September 11 to 12, 2013, the face of the statue of Victor Schœlcher was destroyed, and inscriptions were noted on the base in red felt-tip pen: “he was a freemason this slave-owning Schoelcher”, “freedom is not given, it is taken”, “viva la révolution”, “Honor, Dignity, Recognition for our African Ancestors”, as well as in black felt-tip pen: “this man gave us nothing. What little we have has been acquired through suffering”.
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
No one has claimed responsibility. The perpetrators have not been identified.
took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
11 September 2013
resulted in | a eu pour résultat
The town hall issued the following statement: “This morning, the people of Schoelcher were deeply disturbed to learn of the vandalism of the statue of Victor Schoelcher at the entrance to the town.
Mayor Luc Clémenté and his Municipal Council strongly condemn this act.
The Municipality :
Firmly denounces this odious act of vandalism against the statue of Victor Schoelcher, whose name the commune bears. Today, the entire Schoelcher community has been affected by this act.
DEPLORES this attack on a part of Schoelcher's and Martinique's heritage.
RECALLS that Victor Schoelcher is a powerful symbol of Our History and reaffirms its pride in bearing the name of the famous abolitionist.
RECALLS its annual commitment to honoring all the great figures and artisans who contributed to the abolition of slavery in Martinique (Pory Papy, Toussaint Louverture, Charles Auguste Bissette...) as part of its “April 27... May 22, Chèlchè ka sonjé” event.
The Municipality of Schoelcher informs the population that an investigation led by the Gendarmerie is underway, and that it is calmly awaiting its conclusions."
is referred to by | est référencé par
Martinique la 1e

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Items with "was discussed by | a été contesté par: 2013, La statue de Victor Schœlcher est endommagée"
Monument Victor Schœlcher, Schœlcher