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2004, Martinican artist Victor Anicet creates a mural entitled Liberté behind the Victor Schœlcher monument


Media metadata | Métadonnées multimédias
Liberté, fresque de Victor Anicet.
has description | a une description
Victor Anicet describes his work as a “mural animation”, created from one hundred enameled Massif Central lava slabs; it “tells the story of the arrival of the chained slaves, their revolt, the breaking of the chains, the escape of the first marooned slave, with the word ‘Liberté’ in charge. Underneath, the contribution of Amerindian culture” (Victor Anicet website). A plaque reads “Liberté. Mural fresco in Volvic lava, created by Victor Anicet, ceramist, July 21, 2004", then quotes, below this information, a sentence by Aimé Césaire: ‘Schœlcher's clear-sightedness gave the impetus for freedom, the impetuosity of the Negro did the rest’. The aim is to place Schœlcher's action in a broader context, and to highlight the role of slaves in the fight for their emancipation.
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Victor Anicet, Schœlcher town hall
took place at | a eu lieu dans
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps
21 July 2004
is referred to by | est référencé par
Site de Victor Anicet
Victor Anicet website

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Items with "was modified by | a été modifié par: 2004, L’artiste martiniquais Victor Anicet réalise une fresque murale intitulée Liberté derrière le monument Victor Schœlcher"
Monument Victor Schœlcher, Schœlcher