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1978, Song of Djo Dézormo, "Joséphine"


has description | a une description
In 1978, pro-independence activist and chansonnier Djo Dézormo wrote the song "Joséphine". In the chorus, he sings: "Esklavagis', bétjé rasis, nou pa bizwen non'w an lè la Savann' an. Mé nou sav byen an jou kay rivé nou kay jété-w dan loséan! (...) É nou ka di pou nonm ou pasé ou pa an bon fanm touboneman!" ("Slave driver, racist békée, your name doesn't belong on the Savannah. We know that one day we'll throw you into the ocean! (...) And we can say that for all the men you've had in your bed, you're not a good woman at all."). When it was released in 1978, it was censored like other of the artist's songs.
has type | est de type
carried out by | réalisée par
Djo Dézormo, Martinican chansonnier and independence activist.
took place on or within | a eu lieu le ou dans l'intervalle de temps